The Centre @ UGhent

Ferdinand M. Vieider, Director
Position: Research Professor in Applied Microeconomics, Ghent University
Interests: Behavioural Economics; Development Economics; Bayesian Statistics
Expertise: Cross-country comparison; policy evaluation; field experiments
Homepage: www.ferdinandvieider.com

Ranoua Bouchouicha
Position: Assistant Professor in Behavioural Finance, Ghent University
Interests: Behavioural Finance, Corporate Finance, Behavioural Economics
Expertise: Finance, Real estate economics, Survey Data
Homepage: https://www.ranouabouchouicha.com/
Alice Soldà
Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Ghent University
Interests: Self-serving beliefs; organizational behaviour
Expertise: Beliefs; experimental economics

Christian Walter
Position: Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ghent University
Interests: Behavioral Economics; Experimental Economics
Expertise: Field, Lab, and Survey Experiments; Motivation; Monetary and Non-Monetary Incentive Schemes

Levent Gumus
Position: PhD student, Ghent University
Interests: Social Choice, Political Economy, Risk Preferences, Behavioral And Experimental Economics

Helen Grapow
Position: PhD student, Ghent University
Interests: Bayesian Statistics; Behavioural Economics; Probabilistic beliefs; climate change

Yuchi Li
Position: PhD student, Ghent University
Interests: Bayesian Statistics; Behavioural Economics; Hidden Markov Models

Jilong Wu
Position: PhD student, Ghent University
Interests: Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty
The Network

Mohammed Abdellaoui, Director
Position: Research Professor in Economics and Decision Science, HEC Paris
Interests: Decision theory, Decision Analysis, Multi-objective decision making
Expertise: Belief and preference elicitation under uncertainty and over time, Bayesian statistics and applications in decision modelling and risk assessment
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/a/greg-hec.com/mohammed-abdellaoui/

Larbi Alaoui
Position: Professor in Economics at UPF and BSE
Interests: Decision theory and behavioral economics, game theory, experimental economics, media economics
Expertise: Bounded rationality in strategic and non-strategic settings; preferences, personality and information
Homepage: http://larbialaoui.com/

Loïc Berger
Position: Research Professor in Economics and director of iRisk, CNRS, IESEG School of Management
Interests: Decision-making under risk and uncertainty; Climate change economics
Expertise: ; Preference elicitation under uncertainty, evaluation of public policies, experimental economics

Thomas Epper
Position: Assistant Professor of Economics, University of St.-Gallen
Interests: Decision theory and applications; risk, ambiguity and time preferences;
Expertise: ; Applied microeconometrics, Insurance/information economics, markets and institutions; experimental economics
Homepage: https://www.thomasepper.com

Cédric Gutierrez-Moreno
Position: Assistant Professor of Management and Technology, Bocconi University
Interests: Beliefs, overconfidence, market entry, entrepreneurship
Expertise: Organizational design, field and lab experiments
Homepage: http://cedricgutierrez.com/

Emmanuel Kemel
Position: Research Professor in Economics and Decision Science, HEC Paris
Interests: Risk and Time preferences, Discrete choice econometrics, Transport economics
Expertise: Evaluation of public policies, Elicitation os Beliefs and Risk Preferences
Homepage: http://www.hec.edu/Faculty-Research/Faculty-Directory/KEMEL-Emmanuel

Olivier L'Haridon
Position: Professor of Economics, University of Rennes I
Interests: decision-making under risk and uncertainty; labour economics;
Expertise: maximum likelihood estimations; bargaining
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/olharidon/

Jack Stecher
Position: Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Business Analytics, University of Alberta
Interests: Decision-making under risk and ambiguity; aggregation; bargaining; accounting
Expertise: lab experiments; information economics; decision theory

Erik Wengström
Position: Professor of Economics, Lund University
Interests: Decision-making under Uncertainty; Intra-household Allocation of Resources;
Behavioural Development Economics
Expertise: design of incentive schemes; social capital; cooperation; design of field and lab experiments